Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

It's a good feeling to leave 2008 with a lot of fond memories. Thank you for all who have given me encouragement to pursue sewing- the cool crafty art of putting fabrics together & it's solely yours however you like it to be. As I inquisitively begin embarking on this new but exciting journey, I was surprised to discover that not only I was building sewing & crafty skills, but also cultivating good values. A passionate sewer is one who is meticulous, calculative, have a good sense of style, with great passion, patience, perseverance and sharp eyes for the things that are intricately & carefully put together. And in my case, I have to add good time management to the list since I'm also a wife & a career woman.

So, I would like to greet January 2009 with an exciting new project! It would be my first hands-on project, so, let's see how that one goes..As one quote says ,

"Great ability develops and reveals itself increasingly with every new assignment."
-unknown source.

Happy New Year & Happy holidays to all! May you find a new year's resolution that resonates with who you are from within ;)